The Power Of Daily Agreements


  • Want an amazing life?
  • Want to believe that you can do anything?
  • How about being so 'tuned in' that you have the ability to change the world forever?

Well I've got great news for you! 

You can do and have all that - and there's only one little thing you need to learn to do...

Daily agreements. That's all it takes.


Ok I confess. It's not that little.
Actually it's probably the biggest thing there is in a person's life. Like really, there's nothing bigger. Nor is there anything more powerful than a person who has mastered their daily agreements.

If you can control how you use your time, on a regular basis, then the sky really is the limit.

Elon, Steve, Jeff and Bill aren't really any different than you. They just have better daily agreements than you. Much better daily agreements.

  • If you're currently have a crappy life, then it is due to your daily agreements. 
  • If you're currently are overweight and broke, then it's due to your daily agreements.
  • If you're lonely and hate your job, then guess what? It's because of your daily agreements. 



So how do you develop and master daily agreements?

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Daily agreements are the same.

The first thing you have to know is that this isn't a fast race. It took you many years to suck, so it'll probs take a while to be cool again. Accept that reality and the process will be easier.

You HAVE TO start small.

You've broken your agreements (promises, resolutions, handshake deals) like a million times already in your life, so the integrity factor isn't on your side.

(life's terrible and nothing is working or ever has)

Start ultra small. Like:

  1. Weigh yourself every morning.
  2. Put your clothes away before bed.
  3. Don't check your phone until out of your bedroom.

(I've been awesome before so I know I can do it, but everything sucks right now)

Do something small but challenging:

  1. Make your bed every morning.
  2. Say a 10 second affirmation in the mirror after brushing your teeth in the morning.
  3. Drink more than 1 litre of water per day.

(you like yourself and are excited about growth)

Do something that is a little challenging and also specifically timely in your life:

  1. 20 push ups or sit ups per day
  2. 10 minutes meditation per day
  3. Write one page in journal each day

(You've done this before and know how real this sh*t can get)

Choose and agreement that pushes you well outside of your comfort zone)

  1. Daily affirmations in the mirror
  2. 20 minutes exercise (only for really fit people)
  3. 30 minutes on business plan

(you are Elon, Steve, Jeff or Bill)

  1. I have no idea
  2. What these guys do
  3. Or else I wouldn't be writing this would I



Pro tips:

If you want to try daily agreements to improve your life, then here's my 3 top tips:

  1. The smaller and easier agreement you choose, the more you'll grow. This stuff is counter intuitive. Just trust me on that.
  2. You need an accountability buddy. Someone who's respect you value highly.
  3. Hero agreements ALWAYS end in failure, loss of self esteem and tend to cause people to shy away from trying again for months, if not years. Don't be a hero.


With love,


>> I've been running 7DA (seven day agreement groups) for 2.5 years now and I've seen it all - and tried all the stupid ideas myself! The guide above is accurate data from having assisted and coached hundreds of people on daily agreements.


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